Ryan could come stay with me… I mean us…


I’m just saying.  You know, if Ryan Gosling really needs a break and someplace to chill.  He could chill in our attic.  It would be a no-stress environment for him.  I mean, apart from dealing with the mid-40s woman pretending she’s all nonchalant, who just happens to be on the floor below him, imagining him doing pushups right before bed…  on top of her. 

I could be all caj…(that’s short for casual, see, I’m hip)… I wouldn’t fawn over him or anything, that would be so déclassé. Occasionally I’d invite him to a family dinner, “Ryan, we’re having pot roast!  You in?”  Ask if he wants to go the library, that sort of thing.  Small provincial town – if he wore a ballcap I’m sure that folks wouldn’t recognize him.  Just sayin.’

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