Not THAT C Word

Not THAT C Word

WARNING: Inferred VERY ADULT Content “Ugh! Ma! Can you please NOT?!?” says Rissa. “What? You have to be able to talk about these things!” I respond. “It’s the absolute WORST word to come out of your mouth! I HATE it!” She shudders. “Oh my God, Rissa, it’s just cunnili—” Rissa fake retches while simultaneously screaming….

And that’s what you get from 41 years of sticking fingers in your eyes

And that’s what you get from 41 years of sticking fingers in your eyes

In 1981, while conjugating the verb être in French class – my vision blurred. I blinked… blinked again. I then stuck the tips of my middle fingers into my eyes, discovering an abundance of eye guck loitering beneath my eye balls.   rheum noun ˈrüm  : a watery discharge from the mucous membranes especially of the eyes or nose…

The Cursed Roof

The Cursed Roof

Driiiiiiiiip. Driiiiiiiiip. Driiiiiiiiip. Fuck. Nope. No, I am not going to look. I don’t need to look, because that problem has been solved. The leaky roof above of our kitchen ceiling has been fixed.  IT.  HAS.  BEEN.  FIXED. Driiiiiiiiip. Driiiiiiiiip. Driiiiiiiiip. For the love of… I square my shoulders and stand up. I walk over…