Neil Patrick Harris and Demon Poodles

Did I mention that Rissa doodles? 

Graphic novelist in the making?  Demon Poodle and her sidekick Bloody Bedlington Terrier?


This week we made pumpkin pie muffins/cupcakes for the bridal shower.  We covered them in cream cheese icing.

Ours looked pretty much as good as these ones. 

“Cream cheese icing is my GOD.  I worship it,” Rissa says while packing mini muffins into her lunch.

Only two!  Take ONLY two!  Do NOT give me that look – you may have more when you get home from school.”

Then, after school, she sits with more mini muffins.  She offers up a dramatic and satisfied sigh.

“Mummy I have an announcement to make.  I think… wait… no I am sure.  I’m getting married.”

“Oh really, who is the lucky guy/girl?”

“Cream Cheese Icing.  The invitations are going out tomorrow.  We will marry and then I will EAT my spouse.  And when that doesn’t work out, I’m going to marry his brother More Cream Cheese Icing. “


Rissa has a huge crush on Neil Patrick Harris.  Last year she watched him in a simulcast of the New York Philharmonic’s concert staging of Sondheim’s Company – that’s how much crushes for him.

What Rissa loves most in life: babies and Neil Patrick Harris

“Mummy, I love NPH.  He is AWESOME.  And even though I know that nothing can ever come of it between us because he’s gay, close to 40, married and has two kids, I don’t care.  I shall always love him. For he shall always be AWESOME!”

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