Got me by the short and curlies!

Curly hair.  Not every stylist gets it.  You just can’t cut curly hair the way that you cut straight hair.  It has a life of its own.  You lose length when it dries.  It SPROINGS.  My regular stylist – Amanda – the one who can cope with curly hair, is
off work, expecting her third child.   She obviously doesn’t
understand her importance to me.  When you only get trims on a quarterly
or half-yearly basis, you need someone who knows what they’re doing. 
She abandoned me in my hour of need.

I asked the new stylist (whom I was assured could cut curly hair) for several shorter pieces to give the top layers some bounce.   Amanda does this all the time.  This is what I ended up with:

Yes, this shank of hair is 5 inches shorter than my shortest layer.

I want Amanda to come back.  I want her to quit having kids and going on Mat Leave.  Although, by the time I go for my next trim – she’ll probably be back and my hair will have grown out again.  So I will chalk this up to a learning experience.  And next time?  When I’m booking my appointment? When I ask “Can the stylist cut curly hair?”  and they say yes… I will have a follow-up question.  “REALLY?”

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