
Best Birthday EVER!

Sometimes a birthday reaches perfection.

First off, the weather gods heard my plea and took away the humidity which really helped with my wanting to murder those around me.  David and Rissa made me breakfast and gave me these birthday cards:

David’s card made me weepy when I read it.  He wrote
“I’m Always aiming for THIS box.”

Rissa ‘gets’ me.  In addition to choosing a card with squirrels in party hats,
she wrote “…as weird and as awesome as you…”

When I got home from work, Rissa had made me my favourite 3-in-1 chocolate birthday cake, of which  I had 2 pieces… because it was my birthday.  Then they gave me this:

Any guesses?  Think on it, and we’ll get back to that.

After presenting me with my gift, David and
Rissa then kidnapped me and took me to the big city for seafood!  When I
asked David if we could walk to the next portion of the evening – he
told me the intersection to which we were going (Yonge & Carlton) and that we had to be there
at 6:40.  6:40. Yonge & Carlton.  There was an
art-house cinema at Yonge and Carlton.  My eyes got wide.  Was the 2nd thing a movie
thing??  A movie we couldn’t see in small-town Ontario??

“Is it a movie?!?”  Going to the movies is my favourite activity.  Sex is a step down from going to the movies for me and I love sex.

“It might be…”

What movies had I been jonesing to see that didn’t play near us?  I could only think of one that I’d been whining about.  An angels’ chorus went off in my head…

“Is it maybe a Joss Whedon movie?  Maybe an adaptation of Shakespeare kind of movie?!?”  I was now bouncing in my seat.

“Yes.  Yes it is.”

took me to see Much Ado About Nothing!  That’s how much my spouse and
kid love me.  Neither one of them love Shakespeare the way that I do and
yet they took me to do something that I would love.  The Bard geek in me was very happy.

Back to the weird-ass gift…

Did you figure it out?  Althought it might look like a duvet, it’s not.  It is a weighted blanket, on account of the fact that in the summer, I hate being able to only have the sheet on me because it’s too hot.  So they made me this blanket filled with plastic beads.  They learned how to use the sewing machine and made it themselves and it was a (shhhhh!) secret.   There was much waggling of eyebrows and knowing glances between them for the last 2 weeks, but they managed not to spill the beads.  (See what I did there?  The blanket was filled with… plastic beads.)  It weighs approximately 19 lbs.   If it were filled with lead I could totally take it with me to the dentist’s office!  According to this brand you can buy, there are all these other benefits too…


What’s truly spectacular?  I only have one (1) thing on that list!!  How great is that?  Even better?  My Disorder/Syndrome Blanket didn’t smother me when I slept under it, so that’s a real plus!  And it was relatively cool to sleep under – the true test will be when the humidity comes back and I want to kill all living things in my path.

And this morning?  I ate birthday cake for breakfast – because I could.  Life is good.

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