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I’ve ordered HOW much from Amazon?!?

As a grown-ass woman paying down a mortgage/credit line/supporting a child in university, I’ve managed to curb non-essential spending by online window shopping and pinning the fuck out of colourful things on Pinterest; thereby racking up my virtual endorphins rather than my Visa statement.

I have evolved in the past 30 years. I have learned to differentiate between want vs need and no longer go shopping as an activity to alleviate boredom. I shop because I need to replace winter boots, or my exercise leggings no longer have material on their inner thighs or I need to dye my hair.

Since April of last year, I have placed 121 Amazon orders. ONE. HUNDRED. AND. TWENTY. FUCKING. ONE.  Even if I eliminate maybe 24 of those for friend/family birthdays, Christmas and baby shower gifts, that is still 97 online orders! That’s 8.08 orders a month. That’s 1.86 orders a week!! I have ordered MORE THAN ONCE A WEEK from Amazon FOR THE PAST YEAR! 


And yeah, we’re still in the midst of a pandemic and yeah, maybe  a dozen times, I returned an item because it wasn’t the right size/colour/it didn’t feel/look/sound right. So that might take me down to  85 orders. But that is still 1.61 times a week! What the fuck have I been buying?!? 

FACE MASKS – because putting clay on one’s face forces one to sit still for at least 15 minutes and not focus on the news.

POSTURE-CORRECTING BRASSIERS – because I’m looking more and more like Quasimodo with all my time at the computer.

CURLING IRONS – (plural) – because even if I’m not going out in public, there is the odd day when I want to look like I give a damn – even just for me – CAN I NOT LOOK GOOD JUST FOR ME?? – and random hanks of bone straight hair amidst the rest of the curly locks make me look crazy (er).

LOW-CALORIE, GLUTEN-FREE STARCH OPTIONS – because despite 45 – 60 minutes of cardio every single fucking day, my menopausal body does not process food the way it once did and my waist defiantly remains (grabs measuring tape to confirm)… 36 fucking inches!! I have to find a healthy way to lose “very bad visceral body fat encasing my organs” or at least that’s what my GP says. “Middle-aged women with waists over 35 inches are at risk for early death due to heart disease, stroke, Type 2 Diabetes…” Which, if I wasn’t already hi-key panicked about dying from Covid-19 complications due years of ignorant chemical use as a Molly Maid while in university (I can say with complete confidence that I never read a single label on a single cleaning product before I was at least 25 years of age), this whole waist-to-hip ratio thing is making me anxious as fuck. So we’re taking steps to avoid that.

MAGIC WAND ‘personal massager’ –  because David became worried when my previous one started to smoke.

BEDDING – lots and lots and LOTS of bedding. Because we weren’t able to spend Christmas with any of our family, and I got it in my head that festive Christmas bedding would make it all easier. And patterned flannel sheets would obviously alleviate angst too. And then, having new white sheets for everyone’s bed just made sense, because we hadn’t purchased new sheets in about a decade and the previous sheets were looking like they’d been through trauma. And really? Even with all those ‘coping’ purchases? I spent less than what many folks would spend at Bed, Bath & Beyond on a single set of 400 ct. Queen Sized sheets. Or at least that’s what I realized when a friend told me what he’d spent on sheets.

DVDs – because we have evidently reached the end of Netflix, Amazon Prime, Crave and whatever other media apps we’ve signed up for during the pandemic. 

BODY LOTIONS – nice smelling, luxurious, infused with fucking essential oils – because anything, and I mean ANYTHING that gets me to calm the fuck down and not obsess and over-empathize with the state of the world is a good thing.

If I could buy edible cannabis products from Amazon, I’m sure I’d be doing that too. And yes, I just checked, and other than some gummies with cbd oil – I’m out of luck there… WAIT!! I’m such light weight, that might be exactly what the Heather ordered.

A fuck of a lot of money was spent through Amazon in the last year. But I’m not sure that it was any more than what we would have spent if we’d had a vacation anywhere. Or done regular summer day trip shit. Or spent a long weekend in New York and binged on plays.

We’re all fucking coping. As best we can. And right now? My coping comes from pink clay masks, my new (4 speed) personal massager and new sheets. When I can hug all my people again? I won’t need substitute comfort. My endorphin rush will come from actual physical contact. And that? Will be fucking awesome. 

p.s. Our family’s position of gainful employment with PAID sick days makes us so fucking fortunate. We have greater freedom and security than many others during this time. I can write a post feigning shock related to over-spending when others don’t have that outlet. It’s up to families like ours to give more to charities, help our friends, families and neighbours, support small businesses and independent restaurants because, right now, we can. 

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