Bad puns and tea
“So I tried tea the other day,” says Rissa.
“Really? How was it?” asks David.
“How so?”
“Well it held promise – it was cherry something berry something and it smelled delicious, but then it was all BLAH…”
Reading a book, I’m fairly distracticated and don’t hear David’s response.
“See she didn’t even hear that.”
“What did I not hear? ” I ask.
“We were talking about how I tried tea…”
“I heard the tea part.”
“And how the tea tasted like butt…”
“You didn’t say that the tea tasted like butt – I know that for sure.”
“No, but I did say it was very bland and disappointing – given what it smelled like. And then Daddy said… “
David is grinning ridiculously. “It was TEA-SING you.”
“Oh Jesus,” I say, groaning.
“TEA-SUS,” says David.
I groan again. “If you had a happy pun dance what would it look like?”
He barely pauses before doing a mashup of the Locomotion combined with the gopher dance from Caddyshack.