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The tilted tata – using transformational positioning to achieve a youthful bosom

“Do you think we can take tasteful pictures of my breasts?”

David perks up. “Most certainly.”

“For public consumption?”


“You know, for my blog…”

“Ummmmm…” His mouth opens and closes. “Don’t get me wrong.  I am ALL for your breasts being on display. But… why do you want to have tasteful breast pictures on your blog?”

“I want to discuss breast balance with visual aids.”

“Ahhhh… Might I say again… I am all for your breasts and your right to proudly display them in the public domain… I just worry that if you have pictures of your breasts on your blog that you will then get blocked because of nudity… frankly, because of nipples. Breast health sites get blocked because of the nipples.”

“Well that’s ridiculous.  They’re just nipples. On breasts. Which 50% of the adult population has.”

“And I reiterate, I am all for them being out there.”

“It’s not like I’m filming myself having sex – I’m not going to be playing with my breasts in the pictures.”

David had not anticipated this escalation. “Uhhhhh….”

“I just want pictures. I want to compare the breast balance.”


“Yes, comparative balance.  When lying on your back, most middle-aged breasts C cup or higher, pretty much slide into your armpits. I have discovered that there is a particular ribcage roll combined with torso tilt that gives the appearance of youthful firmness so that your breast – because it only works for one breast at a time – resembles a vintage jello mold.”

“Is that what you’re doing when you say ‘Look at this! Look at this!’ in bed?” David asks.

“Most of the time, yeah.”

“I think for this particular post to work, and by that I mean so that you don’t get blocked and you don’t get a bunch of whack – pardon the pun – jobs stalking you, you’ll have to take euphemistic pictures.”

My eyes light up.  “That I can do.”

As I’m gathering up my visual aids, David comes back into the room with his phone in hand.  “I found a level app that should help, lie down on the carpet.”

That right there? That’s why our marriage works.

With this app placed on my chest, we discovered that a
16 degree ribcage roll  with 3 degree torso tilt helps
 my breast achieve faux firmness. The level that
resembles a breast? An unexpected bonus.

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