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Ménage à Moi Miscommunication

I have been married for almost 23 years. Of those almost 23 years, 22.852 of them have been unreservedly, unabashedly, unquestionably happy. Relationships cannot possibly be all sunshine and roses all of the time. Once you’ve said your “I do’s”, you do not forever exist in a state of “Happily Ever After,” no matter how fucking close you might come.  In spite of what observers might think, David and I, after almost 23 years of mostly wedded bliss, still come up against unexpected conflict.

Witness: Last night David and I were both reading in the living room. I got in into my head that I wanted to have some sexy time once we reached the bedroom. Given that David had just finished a LOOONG week of teaching virtual high school to disaffected teenagers, I reckoned that he might not be up for a full on bouncy-bouncy adventure, so I threw him a soft-ball.

“When we go upstairs,” I said, in my most seductive tone, “I’m going to have a ménage à moi –  FOR YOU.”

When I said “FOR YOU,” I meant that I was going to give more than the ol’ college try. I was going to make the whole situation a feast for his senses – visual, auditory, tactile, smell… what’s the fifth one? TASTE!! I could have put some taste in there as well, if I’d been specific about how he could become involved. I anticipated that, shortly after the show began, his mental exhaustion would be circumvented by a visceral bodily response. However, outside of my own head, I did not specify my expectations for the main event. 

So… when I clad myself in a low-cut, figure forming, above-the-knee nightie (sans granny panties), and grabbed my… Magic Scepter, I anticipated that David would, if not immediately, then very soon after, become ENGAGED in the afore-mentioned enterprise, and would add a hand, to help a girl out, as it were. 

David didn’t get the memo. And although he did have his left hand on my knee, as a warm reminder of  another person in the bed, his other hand held his phone, whereupon he was reading his latest Sci-Fi novel. This, I noticed, in the midst of the MAIN EVENT. Which, when I noticed, made it a bit more difficult for me to… land a punch. And when I finally did win on a TKO, I immediately burst into tears, on account of the fact that he’d been reading his book during, what was supposed to have been (if only in my own brain), a seduction of the senses… FOR HIM.

In our wedding vows we promised to talk to each other, especially when it was difficult. We also promised to listen to each other, especially when it was difficult. 

And as much as I knew that it would be painful to tell him that… orbiting Venus… beside him as he read – on his phone – made me feel like shit, I knew that I had to, or we’d run into this issue again. So I laid it all out there. And when we talked, he told me that he’d thought that I’d wanted ‘alone’ time, which meant, to him, that he shouldn’t really be involved,  when, what I wanted more than anything? Was to have him INvolved. 

He abjectly apologized. I abjectly apologized. And then I promised that, from now on, I would let him in on any and all plans for self-pleasure, because even after almost 23 years, no matter how much I might want him to? He still can’t read my mind. 

So next time, I’m just gonna say, “Hey there handsome! I’m heading upstairs to play some… pelvic guitar, how’d you like to accompany me with some chest harmonica?”

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