
Surreptitious OCD

David, Rissa and I are in a charming French restaurant in Baldwin Village. 

Red walls. Black baseboards. Brilliant yellow door. Art everywhere.

We choose to sit inside. You know, because of the art. Instead of facing the wall displaying the larger artwork, my vista will be the opposite wall; the unexpected opportunity to gaze upon a gallery of many smaller pieces makes me very happy.

Every piece on the wall is askew. 

I’m doing my best to give my entire focus to the conversation; however, my peripherals are on high alert.

Do the restaurateurs not see that the vintage Asian paintings nearest to the door are both OFF?!? Beside a larger piece – also at least an 1/8 of an inch NOT straight? Next to three paintings arranged over top of each other – all OFFAnd the next four paintings directly across from me…

“Ma,” says Rissa. “You okay?”

“Yeah, yeah,” I say, forcing my eyes to my club soda and lime. 

But my peripherals…They know. 

Rissa’s talking about work. David’s talking about…

The upper right corner of an 8×10 painting is angled towards the ceiling…



“Are you having a stroke?”

“No,” I say, wishing for a pocket level. I smile broadly at them, my regular response whenever they ask this frequent question. Both sides of my mouth lift reassuringly.

“The artwork… It’s… ahhhhhhhh… it’s a bit… off.”

Rissa takes a look. David turns around.

“Ooooh, yeah,” says Rissa. “Wow.” She tilts her head this way and that, scanning the entire wall. “I think the larger painting might be straight. Wait. No. I think it’s off too.”

I swallow. My fingers clutch the edge of the table.

Rissa glances at me. “You want to fix them all, don’t you?”



David snorts. “Do not do it.”

“I’m not going to,” I huff.  “I will disregard it.”

David and Rissa share a glance before rolling their eyes.

“I will.” And I do.

Until my delicious chicken salad is finished and I and no longer have food to distract me. Whereupon, I ever-so-casually rise from the table and saunter over to the first pieces of art on the wall.

“Heather!” David whisper-chastises.

“I’m just admiring them from closer,” I say, leaning in to look at the signature, my hand resting delicately against the frame. My back blocks the waiter’s view. I adjust the frame.

Rissa smirks. “Uh-huh…”

I move to the next painting, and the next.

“She’s actually being quite subtle,” begins Rissa.

SLAM! My thigh bangs into the corner of the table. The very pointy corner. Bruising. There will be much bruising. My head spins around to see if the waiter is paying attention. He isn’t. I quickly straighten the two painting behind the table. Can I get to the next ones?

“That artist is very famous,” calls the cook from behind the kitchen counter. 


“Oh?” I ask. I haven’t even been looking at the actual artwork. All I can focus on is the frames. The cook tells me the artist’s name, which I immediately forget. 

I calmly walk back to our table.

“Until you whacked the table, you were very inconspicuous,” says Rissa.

“Right?!? I can be sneaky when I need to… Oh, for the love of…” In my haste to straighten the last two paintings, I overcorrected one of them.

“Serves you right,” says David.

“If I were a super hero, I would be The Leveller.”

“You mean instead of being able to fly or have super-human strength, you would straighten artwork?”

“And furniture. It would be multi-purpose. And I could do it just with my mind.”

David Malki’s WONDERMARK

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