“I’ve decided against cutting my own hair,” I say before heading upstairs to have my shower.

“That’s probably a wise decision,” says Rissa.

“Yeah, I can just wait until social distancing is over.”

“Good choice.”

I’m not sure exactly what happens before I make it into the shower, but somehow there are scissors in my hand.

I remember going into my bedroom, and divesting myself of all my sweaty exercise clothes. I know that I walk to the bathroom and remove my Fitbit. I start to pull the hair elastic from my hair… It has to be the hair elastic. I touch that hair elastic and the subliminal messaging embedded in the Unicorn Cut and Double Unicorn hair cutting videos that I’d been consuming over the weekend compel me. I am a fucking sleeper agent!

I tie my (Dry! What for the love of Vidal Sassoon possessed me to do this dry?) hair off with the hair elastic and cut.

I pull out the hair elastic to see the results.


“You okay up there?” asks Rissa.

“Um… yeah…?”

“Heather?” Now David is calling upstairs. “You okay?”

“Yes,” I say faintly, looking at the sharp line of hair that is now my first layer.


“I’m okay,” I murmur, transfixed by my reflection.

“We’re coming up!!”

I am standing naked and dazed in front of the mirror.

“Ma,” says Rissa. “When we call you, you have to answer right away. You need to let us know you’re okay.” (She may be referring to previous incidences of me saying “Uh-oh” before I fall over.) Her shoulders slump and she gives me the resigned-child look. “Did you just cut your own hair?”

“I just cut my own hair.”

“Ma, you just said…”

“Oh, thank God,” says David as he hits the doorway, Kramer-like. Always my biggest cheerleader, he says, “Hey that’s not…” I turn to face him with my dry-cut Mullet. “…terrible.”

“I don’t know what happened,” I say, staring at the scissors. “I just don’t know.”

“Oh, Ma,” says Rissa.

“How is it that this part is soooooo short, but this, is still soooooo long?”

“You can always take a bit more off the bottom to even it out,” says Rissa. She puts my hair over my shoulders. “Just take this much more off.” She indicates a couple of inches. “No, no wait, let me actually comb a part so that we’re doing this scientific-like.”

“I just gave myself a Unicorn Cut, can science really help me?”

“It’ll be fine.”

I cut another two inches from the bottom layer and then I use the twirl and cut method that I think I’ve seen my stylist use to get rid of the choppiness.

I hop into the shower and feel the bulk of hair at the top and the lack of bulk at the bottom. Even my hands know I’ve done a bad, bad thing.

Strangely though, when I towel dry my hair and throw some detangler in, it’s not that bad. Oh, I’d be completely fucked if I tried to wear it straight – but curly? Curly, I might just be able to con people into believing nothing has happened. #badpandemicdecisions

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