
Pardon me while I SHE-HULK out

This week (and it’s only Monday – it’s only MONDAY?!?), I find myself wondering what caused She-Hulk’s transformation from regular woman-about-town, to big green rage monster. 

‘Cause I’ve had three instances today where I found myself fighting to maintain my equilibrium between rationality and absolutely losing my shit.

This morning, I’m moving from the bathroom to the master bedroom, the vacuum’s power cord got trapped under the bathroom door, and I find myself lifting the vacuum into the air, prepping to throw it down the stairs. 

I don’t. 

But for a good 10 seconds I am sure as shit contemplating it.

Later, I am typing and my fingers are nowhere close to the ‘asdf’ or ‘jkl;’ home keys. I have to try nine times to finish a single sentence. I am milliseconds from launching the keyboard through the back window.

And just now, as we begin prepping dinner? I find a rogue hair – my rogue hair – trapped between the fingers on my vegetable-holding-hand as I’m chopping cucumbers for our salad. I visualize myself heaving the chef’s knife across the room.

David hears me growling.

“You okay?”

“How old was She-Hulk when she started transforming?”

“I’m not sure.”

“By any chance was she in menopause?!?”

His eyes widen slightly.


“Never mind,” I say. The rage has ebbed. I reach into the refrigerator to take the cherry tomatoes out of the crisper drawer. They fall out of their container. I wonder how heavy the refrigerator is and what the repairs to the second floor will cost when I propel it through the ceiling. I count to 10. Twice. Then I rinse off the tomatoes in the sink.

“I think it might have been menopause,” I say, drying off the tomatoes.

“Why do you think that?”

“Because I’m seriously considering heaving appliances because of dropped cherry fucking tomatoes and there was a fucking hair on my hand when I was cutting the fucking cucumber and I wanted to throw the fucking cucumber and the fucking knife…”

David bites his lip.


“I probably shouldn’t even go there. But right now it seems like you might be suffering from a hair trigger…

“Now?” I ask. “You’re choosing to make bad puns… NOW!?!

“Right, right,” he says, glancing around to make sure that the chef’s knife is out of my range. 

“I’ve been so good,” I say. “This kind of shit hasn’t happened in years.” 

When I was younger, maybe 14 years ago, and the rage monster came to visit, I took some herbal pills to keep me from committing felonies. But lately, even during night sweats and hot flashes, I have been way less ragey, and more just… frustrated and apt to burst into heart-wrenching sobs over the injustices of the hormonal impact on the female form. I haven’t been this mood-swingy over next-to-nothing in more than a decade.

Inspiration strikes. “What if this is a side effect of COVID?” I ask. 


“What if there are other middle-aged women who have…” (I make air quotes) “Recovered from COVID, but are now no longer rational beings? Could that be a thing?”

“Possibly?” David responds, obviously trying to keep me calm.

“How do I find all the menopausal women who have Long COVID? The ones who now, weeks or even  months later, are still getting headaches and chills and are as exhausted as fuck, but who are also suffering from bouts of violent mood swings?”


“Why are you backing away from me?”

“I’m not.” 

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