
Creeper!! Or how Rissa is prejudiced against old people.

You know Something’s Gotta Give?  The movie with Diane Keaton and Jack Nicholson?  We recently watched it with Rissa.  Rissa loves a good romantic comedy. “EEEEEEEEWWWWW!  He’s soooooooo old.  How can he be dating her?”  Early in the film, Jack Nicholson is dating Amanda Peet – who is less than 1/2 his age and plays…

Cool Rissa tricks

“You should feel this Mummy,” says Rissa, as she deliberately creases her forehead.  “It gets all lumpy.  It’s awesome!” “I always liked that I could move my scalp back and forth,” I reply – taking my fingertips and moving my scalp over my skull and then reaching over and moving hers. “Wait!  Wait!” she begs. …

Lie on me!!

“Wait!  Wait!” Rissa says, as I’m trying to depart her bedside.  She clutches at me.  “You can’t go yet.” “Why not?” “You have to lie on me!!” “Because why?” “Because then I can put my arm on my stomach and see if I can escape.” (This is one of those things that happened by accident…