Thigh Sliver

“So, how was your day?” I ask Rissa. “People looked at me weird when Nerine was holding my leg while I was feeling up my inner thigh.” Beat, two, three…  I close my eyes for a moment.   “O…kay…  Explanation…?” “In Science we were using plasticine and toothpicks for a project, and I ended up sitting…

Six Degrees of Separation.. according to Rissa

At the dinner table: I say to David, “You know what Will Smith movie we should see again?  Six Degrees of Separation…”  “Six degrees?”  Rissa looks perplexed. “Yes, it’s a phrase that talks about the interconnectedness of…” “That’s like this big.”  (She holds her fingers apart by this much, indicating the angle.)  “That’s wee.” “Yes…


Unswallowable… (and NO, I don’t mean THAT)

There was a discussion around the dinner table about how many teenagers in the Family Studies class at David’s school have ended up pregnant since the course began.  A lot.  Like more than a handful.  These girls are in a class that GIVES them condoms and information on how NOT to get pregnant!  I might…

Cliff-hangers and 12 year olds…

“NO!!! NO!!! Where’s the remote?!?  Where is the next episode?  What is going to happen?!?  NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!”  (collapse, collapse, collapse…) “Oh WAILEY, WAILEY, WAILEY!“ We were watching the first (and sadly, only) season of Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip.  Around episode 19 or so they got all cliff-hangery.  I’m pretty sure that’s when Rissa started…

And that’s when the 2 year old monkey copped a feel…

Rissa had two big firsts over the weekend.  She was french kissed AND felt up.  By a two year old.  In a monkey suit.  The kid got to 2nd base under the guise of a ‘tickle fight.’ The kissing?  Some good old toddler ‘affection.’  Afterwards we took Rissa out to dinner.  You celebrate milestones when…


Don’t show anyone your boobs online!!!

“Don’t show anyone your boobs online!” “Don’t type anything that you wouldn’t want your grandparents to see!!”  I know her friends, they’re all good kids and maybe I’m worrying over nothing at this point, but my mind goes to these freaky places.  You know the ones – where my tween daughter is pregnant and hooked…