Condom Races

“Anything interesting happen in school today?” “My Mom lost to Your Mom.” I gave her a look. She sighed, despairing for my ignorance.  “In dodgeball today.  We lost.” Ah yes.  Rissa was in a Dodgeball tournament.  She and her friends were split between two teams.  Rissa’s team was “My Mom”  and the other team was…


It’s no secret that Rissa gets wound up at bedtime as soon as I’m in the room.  I imagine that it’s crazy breeding crazy.  I’d been in the city all day, so last night, Rissa was desperate to show me what she had created as an ‘add-on’ to her peacock costume.  “Ooooh!  Ooooh!  You have…

Neil Patrick Harris and Demon Poodles

Did I mention that Rissa doodles?  Graphic novelist in the making?  Demon Poodle and her sidekick Bloody Bedlington Terrier? *** This week we made pumpkin pie muffins/cupcakes for the bridal shower.  We covered them in cream cheese icing. Ours looked pretty much as good as these ones.  “Cream cheese icing is my GOD.  I…