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And that is why you put your toys away…

It felt as though we were missing a limb for about eight months,  but we managed to survive Rissa’s first year at university. However, with no one to “adult” for, we devolved into teenagers ourselves. We forgot to do laundry, haphazardly cleaned the house and rarely grocery shopped. Rissa would come home for a weekend…


Quick! The kid isn’t home – let’s DO this!!!

Rissa was going to be gone for three whole nights.  David and I begin sharing the the waggling eyebrow looks, the suggestive head tilts, the… “YOU GUYS!  I CAN TOTALLY SEE YOU DOING THAT!!!!“ “What?  Doing what?!?” Rissa rolls her eyes.  But then gives us the I’m watching you look. Surreptitiously now, I am trying…


Is it wrong to do this with my husband beside me?

I’m holding my hands to my face to hide my blushing cheeks.  David shakes his head at me.  “You are ridiculous.” “I can’t help it.” We’re watching The Good Wife.  Finn Polmar has just flirted with Alicia Florrick.  I feel it would be bad form to beg to rewind the scene… right away…  with David…