Ryan could come stay with me… I mean us…

http://www.cbc.ca/news/arts/story/2013/03/21/ryan-gosling-acting-break.html I’m just saying.  You know, if Ryan Gosling really needs a break and someplace to chill.  He could chill in our attic.  It would be a no-stress environment for him.  I mean, apart from dealing with the mid-40s woman pretending she’s all nonchalant, who just happens to be on the floor below him, imagining…


Musical Theatre Geeks of the world unite!

WARNING:  ADULT LANGUAGE IN THIS POST I might have developed this… uh….little… small… (wee really)… obsession with Tim Minchin.  Nothing warranting  Mr. Minchin seeking out a restraining order or anything.  It’s totally the Bloggess’s fault.  In September of this year, she mentioned him in one of her posts.  I watched some clips on You Tube…