
Today’s period brought to you by Peri-Menopause!

Feeling too structured in your cycle? Wanting more spontaneity in your underwear choices? TRY PERI-MENOPAUSE!! Women all over the world are now enjoying less frequent periods while still getting all the blood loss they typically had–in shorter (or sometimes longer) times! “I’m just thrilled with having my period again for the 2nd time in two weeks!”…


Who let the lava queen in?

“Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh.” “Hmmm?  What?”  yawns David, before falling back asleep almost instantaneously. It’s 1:30 a.m. Moments ago I was curled next to David, really loving being the Big Spoon.  Now I am temperature of the sun. The Lava Queen by Wasudo (Deviant Art) Covers off.   I’m sweating from every pore in my torso…  neck…  scalp.  Ugh. …


Does anyone’s carpet match their curtains?

For once I am not talking about my pubic hair, or even referring to yours.  (‘Cause let’s face it, the boat carrying that particular shade of carpet sailed decades ago when I discovered Flirt hair colour.) It’s all about lipstick.  Please follow my idiomatic extrapolation.  I’ve been testing lipstick shades on the back of my…


Never use the magnifying mirror.

“Do you see this?” I ask. “What?”  David is towelling his hair. “This.”  I turn the left side of my face to him.  “This.” He comes closer.  Looks.  Then looks again.  “I don’t see anything.” “This.”  I use my finger to show him what I’m talking about.   “I don’t see anything.” “I’m growing a beard.”…


Thank God I married Roger Rabbit.

Warning: descriptive female issues in this post. “OH FOR THE LOVE OF…”  “What is it?” “Day Eight apparently.” “Are we in the playoffs?” My baleful eyes could burn through steel. “I am BLEEDING out.  I was done.  The Diva Cup was empty.” David winces in naive male sympathy/horrified visualization.  “And now the cup runneth over?”…

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And that’s why menopause makes you crazy…

It’s come to this: I am now answering Facebook quizzes in my own head. Without the computer.  And not the normal ones like: Which Disney Princess are you?  Which Shakespearean character would you be?What breed of cat are you? Nope, this mostly Pagan gal has this one pin-balling around her cranium: Which Bible character is…