
Tell me I don’t look like that when I kiss!

We recently went to a wedding.  At this wedding there were many young, beautiful couples – years, perhaps dozens of years, younger than us.  We were seated with one of these couples.  They were hip and happening and ‘NOW.’  But they sure as shit didn’t know how to kiss. I watched this beautifully coiffed and…

Erotic Spiders – or how David doesen’t listen…

I have hallucinations during the night.  The hallucinations generally centre around the ceiling fan in our bedroom.  The fan turns into a starfish, an alien life-form or a hobbled octopus missing three legs.  The other night it was a Robotic Spider.  Matrix-like in its design, with cameras in its abdomen – massive eyes, whirring noise,…

Old School Foreplay

Way back when… you know, in the Stone Age… when David and I first got together… We had the best foreplay.  We did.  It was amazing. We’d snuggle on the couch, as close as two people could be without actually being conjoined, sigh and smile… our hands touching, our minds of a single purpose. Everything…