We made her!

Rissa’s clear, perfectly pitched (to our ears) soprano drifts down the stairs.  She is in the shower, as she is every night after her dance classes.  For the grace that she exhibits as a dancer, this child, after 3 hours of sweating, smells like a dead goat.  David and I are both working on our…

Things you should NEVER say to new mothers…

People say the stupidest crap to new moms.  One of my close friends just welcomed her first baby to the world and people have been saying truly moronic, unfeeling, make-a-new-mother-doubt-herself, crap to her. To these morons I say: Yes, you have had a baby yourself.    THIS baby, however, is not YOUR baby.  THIS baby is…


This is it, I have dementia!

“I love you,” says David as we snuggle in under the covers. “And I love you,” I return.   I contentedly sigh.  “Life is good.” “Life IS good.” “Yep.”  Smooch.  Smooch. You know how sometimes your brain  goes off on these weird tangents?  One minute, I’m kissing my husband and the next I’m doing math.  Rissa…


He was probably dead by the end of the movie.

It was my favourite day.  MOVIE BINGE DAY.  It’s right up there with Christmas Holidays with family and Front Row tickets to Violent Femmes.  MOVIE BINGE DAY has to include at least three, if not four movies.  (Just seeing two isn’t nearly decadent enough.)  David’s even created an app so that you can plan your…

Sorry, I didn’t mean to kill off civilization as we know it…

I was just brushing my teeth. Brusha, brusha, brusha, brusha… Tongue a little pasty – better brush that too.  Out comes the tongue!  The toothbrush makes contact… Brush…..  If this had been an animated film, you would have seen the bacteria on my tongue hitting the air, not unlike the spores from the kick-ass fungus…


The carpet’s not charcoal – it’s beige, covered in cat hair…

“Minuit!  Minuit!  For the love of….  Scoot!!  SCOOT!!“ Minuit lies upon our bedroom floor, a vision of feline pulchritude.  She splays every splayable part of her body.  Rolling onto her back, she raises an eyebrow. “Menh…?” “Seriously?  I just vacuumed.  How can you produce this much hair in 2 hours?” “Menh…” “Plus, I just brushed…