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And here I’d thought I’d just been horny…

Period.  Last week.  Mon – Friday.  Growling, irritable, drugged up, clutching the heated blanket.  Then the weekend arrived, and I felt GREAT!  Fantastic even.  Randy.  Giving David those looks – waggling of the eyebrows – half-smiles and suggestive telepathy.  Couldn’t get enough of him.  We’d finish one bout of naked wrestling before, barely giving him…

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Heather, the pug-faced girl.

Last winter, to ward off cold air chest pain, David purchased me my very own Cold Avenger / Darth Vader mask.   Well, it’s winter once again, and though Ontario’s November was pretty damned temperate, December has been colder than a witch’s tit the last little while.  Not generally a problem for most stalwart Canadians,…

Put the garland down!

Our cats, who usually maintain relative order in our home, lose their minds when the Christmas decorations come out.  They dance on counters, bask on top of tables…  We routinely find the dining room table cloth all askew, salt and pepper shakers asses up, chairs knocked over.  All three cats looking up and saying “It…