Meatloaf vs Meatloaf

Meatloaf vs Meatloaf Rissa: “Is ‘Meatloaf’ – Meatloaf’s actual name?” David: “No, I don’t think so.” Rissa:  “That’s good ’cause that would be really unfortunate – it would be like naming your kid brussels sprout or candlestick.” *** “Wait!  Wait!  You go to my room, but don’t go on the bed.  Stand by the… stand…

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I’m older than Mrs. Robinson!!

While reading Wired this morning at breakfast, there was a photo for Marriott (EXPERIENCE the world of MARRIOTT!)  with 40-somethings laughing and using an IPad to show how hip and ‘Now’ they are while enjoying glasses of red wine.  Two gentlemen – one with a greying, well-groomed beard and another with trendy glasses + a…

Weapon of Choice

I’m over there on the left… I am in stress-containment mode. Not for me, but for the other people in my house.  The daughter.  The husband.  When did I become the sane one? As the parent of a 12 year-old daughter, there are certain instances when you find yourself treading very carefully.  Last Thursday Rissa…

Multi-Breasted Female of Galaxy NGC 1512

Previous post from Wednesday, July 18, 2012 Praise be to every deity in the universe!!!  After a week of insomnia – I slept through the night!!  Halle-freakin-lulljah!! (insert angels’ chorus here)   There’s been a heat/humidity wave in Southern Ontario.  A direct result of this is my morphing into the biggest belligerent bitchy bitch in several…

Neil Patrick Harris and Demon Poodles

Did I mention that Rissa doodles?  Graphic novelist in the making?  Demon Poodle and her sidekick Bloody Bedlington Terrier? *** This week we made pumpkin pie muffins/cupcakes for the bridal shower.  We covered them in cream cheese icing. Ours looked pretty much as good as these ones.  “Cream cheese icing is my GOD.  I…