Olympic Porn

When planning your viewing of the 2012 Olympics – you have to be wily.  You want to be able to speak with authority about the big picture.  “Did you catch Branagh at the Opening Ceremonies??  Nice Caliban cover, huh?  How about that Mike Oldfield?” I will freely admit that my favourite part of the Opening…

Naked Wombats

Naked wombats.  Without any pre-written content, it simply struck me as an interesting title for a post, but then, when I went looking for pictures, I actually found a mostly naked wombat baby, which has now become my animal of choice.  JUST LOOK AT IT!!! Yes, this is a naked wombat! Did you know that…

Death-Mask Barbie

For the longest time, I wouldn’t let Rissa play with Barbies.  I was taking a stand. We bought her Groovy Girls – the flopsy, cuddly, ethnic, pre-pubescent dolls.  She probaby had 6 of them – all sporting fabulous 60s-inspired fashions.   (One had a faux raspberry suede coat with some sort of shaggy fur-like trim…

Multi-Breasted Female of Galaxy NGC 1512

Praise be to every deity in the universe!!!  After a week of insomnia – I slept through the night!!  Halle-freakin-lulljah!! (insert angels’ chorus here)   There’s been a heat/humidity wave in Southern Ontario.  A direct result of this is my morphing into the biggest belligerent bitchy bitch in several galaxies.  (I think there’s a multi-breasted female…