
Don’t put that last chocolate-covered pretzel in your mouth!

Why, oh why don’t we listen to our bodies?  When they’re full, I mean.  Of food.  I either need to throw up or ingest vast quantities of TUMS.  I am smarter than this. This chipmunk is me.  The peanut is the last chocolate-covered pretzel.  I made a bad choice. I should just know better.  Yesterday…

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44 and not afraid to admit it!!!!

  I turned 44 today.  That’s right the big DOUBLE 4!!!!  I have lived, breathed, loved, hurt, gasped, screamed, laughed, fallen, jumped, dived, wallowed, basked and enjoyed life for the last 44 years.  Yes, I have wrinkles on my face.  You know why?  Because I smile and raise my eyebrows and I’m 44 freaking years…