
Monster Child

“My friends think I’m a monster,” says Rissa. My spoonful of Rice Chex stops an inch from my mouth.  “Because why?” “Because I don’t eat cereal.” I shoot her a disbelieving glance before shoveling my cereal into my mouth.  I chew thoughtfully for a moment before swallowing.  Then I shake my head.  “I don’t get…

The perils of cheese.

Remember when you were a kid, and you ate the  fresh-out-of-the-oven pizza so fast that the roof of your mouth became stuccoed with blisters?  Afterwards, your tongue couldn’t help but play with the damaged skin of your palate – feeling out all of those bumps.  For hours, even days afterward (depending on how hot the…

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Heather, the pug-faced girl.

Last winter, to ward off cold air chest pain, David purchased me my very own Cold Avenger / Darth Vader mask.   Well, it’s winter once again, and though Ontario’s November was pretty damned temperate, December has been colder than a witch’s tit the last little while.  Not generally a problem for most stalwart Canadians,…