And THAT is how Peri Menopause makes you healthier…

Blergh. “You okay?” I don’t even want to admit what I’ve done.  “Fine.  I’m fine.” David’s eyebrows raise. I’m sitting on the sofa in our petite grande room.  I have a Rusty Nail in one hand and cheap-ass Christmas romance collection in the other. “I might have eaten bad things,” I mumble. “Pardon me?” “grumble……

I dub thee…

David has been wanting to upgrade my computer for the past two years.  About a month ago, I finally capitulated. “All right.” “All right?” “Start the search.” “The search for…? “A new computer.” “REALLY!?!” “Really.” I couldn’t take the endless UNRESPONSIVE SCRIPT warnings and time lags – which is hilarious, because anyone in their 40s…

The Eggnog Equation

I recently  made the mistake of looking at the nutritional information on the President’s Choice “World’s Best” Eggnog.  1 cup = 290 calories.  290 CALORIES???  Without the rum??  Sure, on occasion, one might drink eggnog sans rum, but I don’t.  Which means that I’ve gotta add that extra 72 calories for an ounce of rum. …


Is it wrong to do this with my husband beside me?

I’m holding my hands to my face to hide my blushing cheeks.  David shakes his head at me.  “You are ridiculous.” “I can’t help it.” We’re watching The Good Wife.  Finn Polmar has just flirted with Alicia Florrick.  I feel it would be bad form to beg to rewind the scene… right away…  with David…