
Some things have to be documented.

“You guys just don’t understand!!” “Nobody else’s mother does this, you know…” “Yes, but this needs to be documented!  I’ve been suffering for at least two weeks now!”  I’m sitting at the computer with the web cam. “She’s right Heather, this is weird… even for you.” “Why are you guys laughing?” “Why?  Because not only…


Don’t think of it as an infestation – think of it as having hundreds of new pets…

What’s most difficult, is telling them all apart.  I’ve had to invest in a high-resolution magnifying glass in order to differentiate.  I’m thinking of sewing wee little smocks with their names on them.  Alistair, Bernice, Connal, Dee, Ernest… I’m going for asexual in style – I don’t want to limit them.  Should they decide in…


Best Nature Channel Ever!

“CHIPMUNK!!“ “Where?  Where?” “There, by the BBQ – Lola’s losing her mind”  Lola is at the screen door, nose pressed to the mesh, tail flicking, teetch chattering. “There!  Do you see him?” “Where?” “There! Now he’s by the post!” “Where?” “There! Now he’s by the bike tire…” ***   “BUNNY!!!!“ “Where?  Where?” “There!  Half way…