
And that’s why David needs to wear a cup at home….

WARNING: There are inferred epithets in this post. “HOLY $*&!  MOTHER – &@%!%#  JESUS! “ After dinner, on the nights when we’re not over-programmed to the nth degree – David likes to change into his pj pants and a nice warm sweater.  We’ll snuggle in on the family room sofa and he’ll either read or…


And that’s why I’m supposed to cut down on my alcohol…

Cause it gives me hot flashes.  And now, apparently… Night Terrors.  Not just regular nightmares, but crazy-ass, finding out that Nate Berkus, in addition to being an interior designer, is the leader of a boy band who has people eviscerated when you discover that they are 100% auto-tuned, full-on NIGHT FREAKING TERRORS. I had two…