
You Tube Taster’s Menu – or how to never accomplish anything in a day

It’s Rissa’s fault.  She sent me a video,  “Orangutan makes friend with dog.”  Next thing you know, I’m using the You Tube taster’s menu down the right side of the page.  Instead of exercising before work, I’m surfing You Tube – watching dozens of animals videos.   I could have at least gone into work early,…

Old School Foreplay

Way back when… you know, in the Stone Age… when David and I first got together… We had the best foreplay.  We did.  It was amazing. We’d snuggle on the couch, as close as two people could be without actually being conjoined, sigh and smile… our hands touching, our minds of a single purpose. Everything…

Here comes Mama Bear… or why we shouldn’t force our kids to kiss hairy old relatives

Those parents who do not force our children to kiss their leathery Aunt Marjorie upon first meeting, aren’t doing it to ‘portend doom’  (“Why children need to feel the pinch,” Macleans, May 13, 20013).   We do it so that our children will listen to their natural fight or flight response. Yes, it used to be…