If men gave birth…

Had to share this video from the Netherlands… Two Dutch television hosts Dennis Storm and Valerio Zena offered to experience the pain of childbirth.  Of course their birthing experience didn’t include vomiting, involuntary pooping/diarrhea, bursting facial blood vessels, having a ‘taint’ torn/sliced and then sutured after the fact… but good on them for being guinea…

Six Degrees of Separation.. according to Rissa

At the dinner table: I say to David, “You know what Will Smith movie we should see again?  Six Degrees of Separation…”  “Six degrees?”  Rissa looks perplexed. “Yes, it’s a phrase that talks about the interconnectedness of…” “That’s like this big.”  (She holds her fingers apart by this much, indicating the angle.)  “That’s wee.” “Yes…


Unswallowable… (and NO, I don’t mean THAT)

There was a discussion around the dinner table about how many teenagers in the Family Studies class at David’s school have ended up pregnant since the course began.  A lot.  Like more than a handful.  These girls are in a class that GIVES them condoms and information on how NOT to get pregnant!  I might…

Funny, I don’t remember taking banned substances…

A Jewel on Queen West So I found these socks…  these mind-blowing, amazing, hyperventilation-inducing-from-so-much-glee socks…  on Queen West at a store that must, I think, cater to the drag queen set.  (Original – 515 Queen Street West in Toronto.)  This store was so awesome, I got a little dizzy.  Jon had to remind me to…

Hurray! I get to run on the beach and ride white horses!

HURRAY!!!! Recently, Rissa arrived home from school, all moany and growly and generally not her usual bouncy self. “Are you tired honey?”  “NO!  My PERIOD started.”  Grrrrrrrrrr… (So… I have this thing.  Women shouldn’t use their periods as a convenient excuse for just being moody bitches.  Yes, most definitely it can be a pain in…