
And that’s how you have your car stolen…

Our car was stolen last night, right from our driveway.  The theiving bastards took it right from our freaking driveway!!!  Our driveway!!!  We were violated!!!  Except we weren’t.  And it wasn’t.  And they didn’t. I had driven the car to the theatre downtown for rehearsal and then walked home, having forgotten that I’d driven there. …

Nervous Nelly.

I was joking around.  Throwing out the one-liners.  Getting people to relax.  Chit-chatting.  Looking all unconcerned and unaffected by the process.  Slipped on my kick-ass heels and crossed my ankles delicately, doing my best to channel Julie London. Then, as I walked in front of the auditioning panel, I felt those same ankles tremble. My…


How to create your very own Lord of the Flies…

Step 1: Rent a 70 foot long inflatable obstacle race with 10 foot slide exit. Step 2: Let children know they can use it. Step 3: Turn your back for the briefest of moments. Beautiful bucolic fall day.  Sun shining, birds singing, crisp air.  As the inflatable sought form on the pavement, rosy-cheeked, tow-headed tots…


Second week back – I don’t think we’ll make it.

The first week back to school was surprisingly easy.  Disproportionate levels of ease.  It was smoooooooth, it was cream cheese icing, it was James Brown. This second week back to school is kicking our asses. We are so frickin’ tired.  It feels like we have a new baby or puppy in the house.  We are…

Put on your wetsuits ladies, we’re going to a wedding!

Way, way, WAAAAAY back when – there were these things called girdles.  Everyone who was anyone wore one.  And you know why?  Because, back in the day, there were lots of form-fitting clothes.  And women wore them.  Because why?  Because of a girdle.  Today’s girdles are Shapewear.  Spanx.  Basically they’re wetsuits.  Add a snorkel and…