
Creeper!! Or how Rissa is prejudiced against old people.

You know Something’s Gotta Give?  The movie with Diane Keaton and Jack Nicholson?  We recently watched it with Rissa.  Rissa loves a good romantic comedy. “EEEEEEEEWWWWW!  He’s soooooooo old.  How can he be dating her?”  Early in the film, Jack Nicholson is dating Amanda Peet – who is less than 1/2 his age and plays…

Cardiologist convinced it’s NOT my heart – YAY?

According to the cardiologist and am in near-perfect heart health.  The chances of me having a heart attack within the next 5 years are almost nil!!  HURRAY!!! HURRAY!!!  According to him, my 5-year history of chest pain is not related to my cardiac health.  “So Doc, what is causing my chest pain?” “I have no…

Cool Rissa tricks

“You should feel this Mummy,” says Rissa, as she deliberately creases her forehead.  “It gets all lumpy.  It’s awesome!” “I always liked that I could move my scalp back and forth,” I reply – taking my fingertips and moving my scalp over my skull and then reaching over and moving hers. “Wait!  Wait!” she begs. …


I never thought that hip-hop would make me cry

 This is the soundtrack to this post: Driving back from a 13th birthday party.  Rissa and two friends in the backseat near-to-collapsing from an afternoon in the blinding sun – hair still wet from the home made Slip-n-Slide. “Daddy!  Daddy can you please put it on ‘aux’?”  David changes the stero input.   We close…