Shilling for Schools

So it’s that time of year where schools do their fundraising and your child gets to sell useless shit to your family and friends.  I’m sorry, that’s unfair.  In the past couple of years, at Rissa’s school, they’ve been selling magazine subscriptions which can actually be good things.  They make good Christmas presents and such. …


WARNING: LANGUAGE Rissa was snuggled into her bed.  I was lying beside her.  From the main floor we heard David: “BLAAAAARGH!!!!!!  SON OF A FUCKING BITCH!!! ARGH!!  FUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!” Followed by “I’m FINE!. FUCK!!!  I’M FINE!“ David stomp, stomp stomps back up the stairs.   “Grumble, grumble, grumble…”  “What happened?” I asked, maintaining a straight face….