lyrical opposition

“I’ve figured it out!!” I exclaim. “You have?  That’s great!” says David. “Figured what out?” asks Rissa. “It’s ‘take-a-chance, take-a-chance, take-a-take-a-chance-chance!” “Runh?” from Rissa.   His interest now piqued, David stops mid-sandwich prep. I clarify. “I’m playing ABBA on repeat in the car. I’ve never been able to sing along with the boys’ part for…


Cat Olympics

CRASH!!! “What the???”  David, Rissa and I all turn towards the laundry closet, from whence the sound emerged.  When had we docked a ship back there and how had it broken free from its moorings? “What was that?”  We all look at each other, on the cusp of Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spocking  for who…

The Suicidal Hand

Appendage depression doesn’t get a lot of air play.  Unless of course the appendage is a penis and  then any story therein related will fill your news feed. My left hand has a death wish.  To look at it, you wouldn’t think that it’s any different really from my right hand.  Fingers the same length…