
Musical Theatre Geeks of the world unite!

WARNING:  ADULT LANGUAGE IN THIS POST I might have developed this… uh….little… small… (wee really)… obsession with Tim Minchin.  Nothing warranting  Mr. Minchin seeking out a restraining order or anything.  It’s totally the Bloggess’s fault.  In September of this year, she mentioned him in one of her posts.  I watched some clips on You Tube…


Don’t show anyone your boobs online!!!

“Don’t show anyone your boobs online!” “Don’t type anything that you wouldn’t want your grandparents to see!!”  I know her friends, they’re all good kids and maybe I’m worrying over nothing at this point, but my mind goes to these freaky places.  You know the ones – where my tween daughter is pregnant and hooked…

And that’s how I accidentally took anti-depressants…

I’m spending so much time stoned now.  Not REALLY stoned.  Just migraine medication stoned.  And menstrual medication.  And arthritis medication.  I slept for 4 extra hours one morning after taking the most innocent-looking of pills.  It was a wee trapezoid shape – so wee and pretty.   It knocked me out.  It was the best nap…

Stumpy the Cat

Minuit’s delicate derriere That poem by Sandburg, with the line “The fog comes in on little cat feet”? Well, Sandburg didn’t know Minuit.  Minuit is ‘rubinesque.’  She’s not quite as round as she is long, but she does a fair impersonation of that cat.  She is the antithesis of most cat adjectives, being neither stealthy…